Susan's Books Inducted into NHS LibraryI recently received some wonderful news

Susan's Books Inducted into NHS LibraryI recently received some wonderful news

Susan's Books Inducted into NHS LibraryI recently received some wonderful news

My two books, "Love Susan" and "I'm Not a Paki," have been inducted into the reference library for the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom! As an author, having your work selected for such an important institutional library is an incredible honor.

Susan's debut book, "I'm Not a Paki," is a heartwarming and powerful memoir that recounts Susan Vickers' experiences growing up in 1980s Britain as a non-white person. Set against a backdrop of the National Front's rise, ignorance, and fear, Susan's narrative vividly captures the challenges she faced. Despite the racism and prejudice she encountered, Susan's strength, courage, convictions, and dry humor shine through.

The book challenges prevailing viewpoints and sheds light on deeply entrenched racism in the country. "Love Susan" is her follow-up book,where Susan continues to explore her identity as an adoptee of dual heritage within an all-white family. The perspective shifts to focus on her struggles, sacrifices, and the cultural revolution that has allowed her to speak openly about her experiences. Behind her confident facade lies a tormented soul seeking acceptance and love. The story delves into family dynamics, relationships, and the complexities of identity. As Susan navigates her own path, readers witness her growth and resilience. Ultimately, the book hints at hope and the possibility of escaping her mother's control. Both books offer valuable insights into identity, race, and resilience, making them compelling reads. When I got the call informing me of this, I was absolutely over the moon. "It was such a pleasant surprise and a total honor," Susan said at the time. To have both books recognized as valuable resources by one of the world's largest public health services is truly humbling. The books explore important themes around identity, relationships, and the human experience through a unique lens.

Clearly, the selection committee felt these perspectives could provide useful insights for NHS staff, researchers, and others accessing the library's materials. Getting inducted into an institutional library of this caliber is a major milestone for any writer. I'm so grateful my books will now be available as reference sources and maybe even inspire important conversations around the issues they raise. It's a proud moment and a testament to the power of storytelling. I want to thank everyone at the NHS who recognized the value of these works. And to all my readers, know that your support has helped amplify these stories in a meaningful way. Having "Love Susan" and "I'm Not a Paki" included in this esteemed collection is a true career highlight.

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